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Miscellaneous Articles
Here you can find a list of all the misc. articles we have collated into one place for your ease. Please enjoy browsing!
CODA UK and Ireland Leaflet
A 2013 edition of CODA UK and Ireland's Marketing Leaflet.
DPUK: Leafet
Why you should never treat a child as an interpreter.
Seven Ties that Bind all CODAs
CODAs come in all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and upbringings ... but they all tread with one foot in the deaf community, and the other in the hearing world.
The Family; Children of Deaf share their lives b y G. Collins of The New York Times: 2009
Growing Up in the Deaf Community:
Coda, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Childhoods as a Third Culture Kid Experience
Oya Ataman - WFD, Istanbul 2015
CODA UK & Ireland Deaf Education Video
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