Meet The Team
Meet The Team
Board of Directors

Hannah O'Connor
Ireland Director
Hey there! My name is Hannah, my pronouns are She/Her, I’m from Co. Kerry in Ireland and I’m studying to be a science and chemistry teacher. Growing up, I was always familiar with the term ‘CODA’ but didn’t fully understand everything that it encompasses in terms of identity and experiences. I’ve spent the last four years involved in LGBTQ+ groups in Cork, so I know the importance of identity and ‘finding your tribe’! At the start of this year, I decided I wanted to learn more about what CODA meant for me and how growing up with a Deaf mother shaped my identity.. So naturally, I did the same thing and dove straight into the deep end and applied to join the CODA UK and Ireland Board, having never previously been involved in any CODA events. In such a short space of time, I’ve learned so much about CODA culture and experiences and I’m looking forward to learning more and getting to attend all the amazing CODA events held around the world!

Matthew Shrine
Welfare Director
Hello All, I’m Matthew my pronouns are He/Him, and I live in Birmingham, I work as a Counsellor / Psychotherapist specialising in working with Deaf clients in BSL and CODAs. I am a CODA: my father is Deaf and so were my paternal grandparents, all of whom have been involved in the Deaf community. I am very proud of my deaf heritage and feel that both sign language and the Deaf world have had a huge impact on both my professional and personal life. I have only recently discovered the full extent of my CODA identity through the CODA summer camp and international conference. This was the first time in my life I felt like I had found “my tribe”, I belonged, I was shocked by how many similar shared lived experiences I had with the other CODAs. My interests are focused on supporting CODAs to empower them to embrace their unique identity. I am passionate about developing CODA UK & Ireland going forwards and look forward to meeting new people at our events.

Amy Claridge
Under 18s Director
I'm Amy, my pronouns are She/Her, and I'm from South Wales and now live in Oxford where I work as a Teacher of the Deaf. I really fell in love with 'CODA' on my 2012 trip to America where I worked at KODA (Kids of Deaf Adults) Camp MidWest in the wonderful land of Wisconsin. Words can't even describe how amazing an experience it was and the impact that the staff, kids and the general sense of CODA 'community' and CODA pride over there had on me. My lecturer, Paddy Ladd, once said to me it was as if I'd discovered my 'CODAhood' in those months over the pond. I'm now determined to get involved with CODA UK & Ireland to give our KODAs the same opportunities and am proud to help lead our annual CODA Camp. I hope to meet you all at future events!

Annika Nisbett
Under 18's Director
Hello, I'm Annika, my pronouns are She/Her. I have two profoundly deaf parents who use BSL as their preferred language. I have been involved with CODA UK and Ireland since 2013 and have undertaken various roles within the organisation including Workshop Volunteer, Camp Group Leader and Camp Volunteer Coordinator. The 2022 camp will be my 6th camp! My CODA journey started off as a bumpy one, where I felt confused and unsure of where I fit in with my family experiences. However, I have since learnt that CODA is 'just you'. We all have similarities and differences, but CODA UK and Ireland just give me the chance to explore that part of my identity and find out what CODA means to me. For me, CODA is being part of the hearing *and* deaf communities but having that extra space in my identity to crossover both worlds. CODA LOVE 🤟🏾

Jemina Edwards
18-30s Director
Hello! I'm Jemina, my pronouns are She/Her. I'm a CODA from the south of England. I'm a Criminology and Psychology graduate currently travelling. Both of my parents are Deaf BSL users. CODA UK & Ireland has been a big part of my life since I started attending camp aged 14, and I went on to volunteer for camp as soon as I turned 18. I feel so lucky to have found such a wonderful group of people who have helped me to explore my identity and what being a CODA means for me. It's also been really interesting learning about other people's experiences of being a CODA and how they differ from my own. I've loved working with children at CODA camp, and I'd love to be able to work more with CODAs just turning 18 and showing them what CODA UK & Ireland has to offer them as they step into adulthood.

Past Board Members

2014 - 2016

2013 - 2014

2012 - 2016

2012 - 2017

2017 - 2018

2012 - 2015

2012 - 2017

2017 - 2018